Thursday, June 11, 2009

ways to fix a world economic crisis

We all have taken lessons from the economic depression of 1929 but we fail to realize how different nations were able to survive this decade of turmoil. In the democratic nations of France and England, their answers called for increase in tariffs and taxation along with slight governmental control in many industrial companies. In the German lands whose industrial lands were hit hardest, they were forced to revive their economy through military rearmament. However, the states along the Baltic like Finland Norway and Sweden emerged unaffected by the depression. Why? Because they had socialist institutions including universal welfare systems and mass unemployment benefits granted to its people.
Following the model of these states, FDR allowed the programs of unemployment benefits to emerge within the US but not the dramatic universal welfare systems that would have benefited the people more. After the 1940s came the rebuilding of Europe and the countries were all in ruins and relied upon the Marshall plan of the US. When England emerged in a state of ruins precipitated from the catastrophic Blitz and V-2 rocket attacks, their only manner of rebuilding was administering control to the Labor party in the English parliament. This group pushed for the socialist ideals of nationalization of the industries and railroads. Guess what? It worked. England managed to rebuild and grant its civilians compensation for losing their loved ones to the war.
What does all this mean? It would mean that the main way to rebuild our current crisis is not to pump bailout money into our industries. The cause of this recession was due to the consumer's lack of faith in spending and what better motivation for spending drives the consumer is the comfort of having enough money. Whenever these big companies lay off their workers they think they are cutting expenditures when they are only exacerbating the worsening condition of the economy. What our people need is more economic support and welfare to keep them motivated into spending and reviving the economy. Our returning veterans also need the proper compensation or else they will end up like the Bonus Army after WWI; uncompensated, unemployed, and living with the haunting nightmares of war. Overall, the Obama administration needs to take into account that the people not the industries or commercial systems, need proper economic support.

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